Archery Upkeep: How to Care for Your Bow and Arrow

Getting started on your archery journey can be both exciting and a bit intimidating. But worry not, as we are here to guide you on all the essentials. This will ensure that you get started on a good footing.

Before we proceed any further, you should note that archery is a sport that has deep historical roots. These roots have seen it gain a sizable following even in today’s modern society. History has shown that it’s a sport that requires skill, precision, and a good mindset.

So whether you're looking to engage in precision target archery or traditional bow hunting, you need to understand its basics. This includes knowing how to equip yourself properly and maintain your gear. The following tips will guide you on all things maintenance.

Inspecting Your Bow and Arrow

Every hunting-guide you’ll find out there will stress the importance of ensuring your bow’s optimal performance. We recommend inspecting it before and after each use. Make sure to thoroughly examine its components as you check for any sign of wear and tear.

Other factors to look for include signs of damage or irregularities. The following are some of the things to look for during an inspection:

  • String Condition: Look for worn-out loops, serving separation, or signs of fraying.
  • Limbs and Riser: Check for any visible signs of delamination, splinters, or cracks.
  • Grip: Evaluate your grip for both comfort and functionality.
  • Hardware: Inspect all hardware, including the screws and bolts, to confirm they’re secure.
  • Cam System: Check the cam system for any visible signs of misalignment or damage.
  • Overall Assessment: Assess the bow as a whole and check for any abnormalities.

Performing regular inspections enables you to address any problems present promptly. This, in turn, assists in enhancing the performance, safety, and longevity of your hunting gear. Don’t hesitate to consult us if you notice any signs of significant damage.


Bows and arrows are tools meant to help fulfill a certain purpose. If damaged, this means they can’t repair themselves in the same way that living things do. It, therefore, becomes your job to make sure that your hunting equipment is in top shape at all times.

The following 10 tips can help you achieve this feat.

1. Wax the Bowstring

If you’re a hunting enthusiast, the chances are that you have heard about this stuff for quite some time. Using the Ravin Xbow Lube String & - Serving to wax your string will help boost its safety and functionality.

Resist the urge to use candle wax for the same, as this may deteriorate things even further. Your waxing frequency will depend on usage, and you should note that there are varied opinions on this issue out there. However, waxing once a week can do wonders for you.

2. Don’t Dry Fire the Bow

Dry firing your hunting gear can bring about deep and irreversible consequences. For beginners, dry firing happens when you shoot a bow without an arrow. Compound bows tend to sustain the most damage from this practice.

Consequently, if you find that someone who isn’t well-versed in its use has dry-fired it, schedule an inspection as soon as possible.

3. Keep Your Archery Gear Far from Water

Try to keep your archery equipment far from any water sources. And here, we don’t just mean water in its liquid form. But in any form or shape that might affect its performance in the long term.

An excellent way to prevent this from happening is by confirming that your gear is stored in the correct case. While at it, try to keep it far from any locations that have a high moisture content. During the winter season, try to protect it against snow build-up, as this can cause it to swell.

4. Mini-Inspect Your Gear

When we say perform a mini-inspection, we mean it in every way imaginable. For example, if you notice an unexpected vibration or hear a weird noise when using the recurve, have it inspected. If you’re unable to find a problem on your own, have a professional look at it.

Mini-inspections help in keeping the large problems at bay. Ensuring that minor damages are fixed as soon as they happen will assist in preventing major expenses down the line.

5. Change the Recurve String Regularly

As you get started on your archery journey, you should note that every string comes with a limited shelf life. For regular archers, you may need to replace it every three years. However, heavy users might need to change it sooner than this.

Using a partially damaged recurve poses a health risk. So, when the time comes to replace the string, make sure to replace the entire set at once. This will include installing a new pair of cables and strings.

6. Learn About Your Hunting Gear

Your recurve comprises a complex blend of different mechanical parts all working together. Therefore, if you’re just getting into this sport, you may want to start by learning about all its different parts. Remember that the only way to win a fight is to understand your arsenal!

Learning about its different components goes a long way in helping you maintain them.

7. Invest in a Case

Experienced hunters and archers understand the importance of investing in a solid case. You’ll need this case to hold your recurve and arrows, as well as to transport them. Make sure to select a good case that will not come apart when dropped or mishandled.

8. Cam Synchronization

Archers and hunters who love to use double-cam compound recurves should ensure their cams are always synchronized. Synchronization happens when the cams reach the let-off stance together. If this fails to happen, they aren’t synchronized.

9. Heat Is Not Good for Your Recurve

Excessive heat can damage your recurve. It can cause lasting damage to both the cable material and the synthetic string. This calls for you to take additional precautionary measures when hunting or shooting in hot regions. Make sure not to leave the recurve out in the sun to prevent this type of damage.

10. Consult Hunting Experts

When driving out on the open roads and you experience a mechanical problem, you’ll need to stop and assess the situation. After assessment, there are some issues you might be able to fix on your own. But in most cases, any repair measures you implement on your own will only act as a temporary fix.


A recurve is a union of many bits and parts brought together to guarantee the perfect shot. And like a car, there are issues that you can fix on your own, and there are those that will require a pro. If faced with an issue you don’t understand, don’t hesitate to consult our professionals.                                          


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